

WARNING: Theres quite a numbers of grammartically error somewhere in this posting, your teacher guiden is exclusively needed in this thing. Thank You, everybody cooperation are essential in making of our humble yet bright future, a reality. This is my english works, don't read it for leisure because we need some thought for it. ps aku men2 saja hehe

Its time again, that time of the each semester, where everyone keep on getting busy off something usefull. As for myself, the first and foremost thing, I would do a little bit about blogging. Yup its about blogging. Tell ya, whats a blog? Its a web log.. simplified.. to blog, where the letter "we" been removed. Get some glipse of it? aah, "we", meaning to say blog is all about one self. One individual ideas about something, and just about his own world.. of his own.

Next, I think i would like to speak about blogging and education. What does blogging had to do with education? education is to system of learning.. in my opinion, aah thats right. For me, blogging is one whole idea about express something in words, we are living with sound... our surrounding, got its own unique song... hear it? impossible unless you have your own music composer in your mind.

So it about words and blogging. When we able to put something into words, meaning, we are able to make contact with human, in softer version, interaction. Interaction, is a progress of life, a civilisation stood with interact of other civilisation, and human can't live alone, even for a tiny bit of rice is hard to earn alone, just image for human to live alone, its just impossible. Unless you aren't.

So we need interaction between human, and non-human, and also to our Creator. Interaction could be so cruel, and so tender sometimes, depend to the type of interaction and the individual that involved in that kind of particular interaction. Thus what type of interaction needs for the perfect interaction? one of them, is a.. the capability of one person to stimulate and produce words that can be understood and natural to all other.

A bad interaction, is like an egoist speaking of it own world.. like blogging hehe? just kidding, thats why got some comment space there, you have to comment something, in respond to the posting, but please don't flame and use appropiate language. People won't take insult as way of solution rather way of war.

In our course evaluation, as in UMP, we need blogging, but are concentrate on comment posting as in uhl2322adnan.blogspot.com, aah i think that the right blogging site, we were posting some comment about something we do in classes. Well, pretty much everything should be blogging, I mean commenting, because its just too much posting to do.

Wait, the class is over already, and yet I haven't done any thing, I done some, but its not enough, perhap I should seek out other student posting from the other section, aah that right, maybe some from wikipedia, and some from blogs everywhere in the world.

But thats too kewl, why should I do that? should blogging be so authentic? Its my own writting, I can write everything I want, but please, we human live in community, learn to respect with other, and think of other as their own shoes.

Thats just it, what should comment next? Theres still to many blogging yet to be done, and could give my mind to it. For 24 posting in a semester? and I have about a day to finish it all, should I just give up my principle to copy this thing out of somewhere, that I had no idea at all? erghh.. that main point, perhap we should go back to basic... BRAIN STORMING.

Yup, brain storming, know about it? Its something what people do in group, and people just burst everything in their head.. and then some guy or girl if you would, write everything they burst, then we start to think each of it, every one idea become everybody main subject of approval and rejection.

As for idea of essay and comment (or you can say its blogging), brain storming can become handy sometimes, but when it is alone, then its just one man idea, and his own struggle for out of confusion. What a terrible fate waits for him.

In idea of blogging, one can only find it quite spontaneous, without much difficulty, aah because blogging is something we do during leisure, but perhap maybe some hardcore-blogger, they were busy making it into revenue, perhap for living. But we are technical student and soon to be technical engineer, everything should be just technical, in word and the world of our own.

Technical engineer, what's that? I had no idea, perhap when we see thing, around us, can suddenly see its bending moment, motion of inertia, or perhap it point of failure, not just that, but with certain value of accuracy. Isn't that too cool. A world class engineer, world class integrity workmanship, but in the end we would eventually end up being a worker of those with slum of money.

As for engineer, getting money about 30k is something usual, for some odd engineer, but the company acctually gain more that just we earn, so thinking back should we be just some engineer that thinking about money, and living happily? Oh yeah, I forgot, that some value, acctually not really something we can really use, because our life is mostly use for working, and so tiny little time for our selves, and perhap our family and so-on.

So more money but less time, our life is just something about that, so living is about make money, living leisure? What is perfect life then? if that aren't? On one second, I don't think, I be doing this thing... stop, I need some topic for my comment posting not, this topic.

Ok2 lets start, about what we do in technical english, ... hmn i can barely remember. maybe theres some about food? is it? no, thats the point, the type of education always something that student had no idea, perhap they don't even care about it, our knowledge are'nt beyond that, we couldn't even understand the thing we do sometimes, but we do it, because of credits, pointer, certificates, and so on.

bytheway, Perhap theres still something I could use. In english recently we were making some project, what is it, hmn its about light that can automatically turn on in dark, well its quite old, but I don't think theres such a thing in the market today, I mean do they have such system in car? No because its probably annoying, if they ever one to switch on the light, they would probably do their own, but then this thing on automatically, maybe its quite nuisance. But the idea, that people were often careless, therefore they oftenly forgot about the light, and thus accident occur. In hope for better tommorow, this thing might able to help people with low conscience.

Other than that, we also does that Tell Me More. Tell Me More, is some flash integrate multimedia software that help you develop on your own language skills. Meaning, you can develop your own language using this software on your own. Yes alone, and easy. But then I found it abit to difficult, hmn.. oh well maybe we do works just because the system says so. We eventually just try and error each of the answer, and get no clear input. And then probably open other people account just to seek answer, and quickly copy it. The only thing that would improve is our type-writting skill and the copy skill, so sadistic.

OKay thats it... people go back home, and do your homeworks. but my home in Sabah is so far from here T_T.

ps jgn baca, yg baca tu apsal hehe


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