

I did some solat just now, I mean its a dawn prayer for muslim, and I should be praying about two rakaats(two times standing still). Yeah right, a daily routine for a muslim, well a muslim not that kinda of so-called muslim.

Guess what, Well I like problems, I prays about 6 rakaats, because my heart is not satisfied with my first prayer, then I did second and still I thinking something was missing, and I did the third one, yet something is missing, my heart tremble with dissatifaction.

Oh well, I did my best. Well that at least what I think the best.

Great new day again. I would like to tell about the world, accurately my world.

Yesterday, I recieved a messages from a friend. Yup just a friend. The message goes like this, "...her wife would be happy if shes married him...", I translated that from malay to english so something might be missing in translation. The thing is when read her message, I miss out that point, I then reply her message and so on.

This morning, I read up my message again, for some particular reason, maybe because of bored and so forth. Something come pop up to my mind, I guess if shes said that, maybe her life would be miserable if shes had married me.

Just think about it, I'm a not so good person, always does stupid works, thinking about easy-going life an so on. Suddenly theres just some one hoping that I can give some thing good that would probably make their life better, they surely will suffered like me instead of being happy.

Thinking even more depth, do I really deserved some happiness? Like the other? am I a happy person? This is the point where my life determine, its not like I questioning what had been given to me, the thing that I want to stressed out here is the present me, its the thing that occur to my life.

I guess I don't really care about anything, Life is cool, life is good, the thing is we make our life better. Arent that everyone wishes for something for their future?


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